Organic Armagnac

For the last few years now there are a number of Armagnac winegrowers that have invested in the organic culture of their vines and even biodynamic.
The Armagnacs produced with sustainable agriculture techniques don't contain any phytosanitary residues anyway, so they don't pass through the alambic during the distillation. The fact still remains that the armagnac producers, concerned for their land, have always worked hard to protect, maintain and pass it on to future generations. Today, our men and women have taken a step further towards organic farming.
However, in Armagnac, it is time that counts… and if these numerous winegrowers, some of which have converted to organic several years ago, are now able to offer a whole range or a part of their range of wines as organic, for Armagnac we need to wait a few more years of ageing to have the mention AB (Agriculture Biologique) in order to offer the first organic vintages …