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The vineyard


The vineyard

Firstly, what does biodiversity mean? Formed from the two words Biological and Diversity, biodiversity refers to all the variety of life that can be found in an area (plants, animals, microorganisms) as well as the communities they form and the habitat in which they live. Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity, where each species, no matter how small, all have an important role to...


The vineyard

Topography is the study of the shape and features of land surfaces. It includes mountains, hills, valleys, ridges, rivers, lakes, everything natural or manmade. The topography can influence the weather and climate. The topography of the Armagnac region is quite distinguishable in each of the production zones. The Ténarèze in the Gers and Lot-et-Garonne...

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

The vineyard

Spring in Armagnac comes quite early bringing rainy showers and sunshine in equal quantities. There is still a risk of frost until April in general. Summer-time is typically quite hot with little rain and although daytime temperatures nowadays can reach 40°C (current record maximum temperatures is 42°C), the nights are generally cool which is of great benefit to the grapes that...

The Armagnac Climate

The vineyard

When we talk of the climate of any given area, we are referring to the usual condition of the temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, rainfall and other meteorological elements in an area of the Earth’s surface for a long time. Generally, these measures are taken from an average over about thirty years. The climate of any particular place is influenced by a host of...

In the heart of the Armagnac vineyard

The vineyard

The twenty thousand hectares that make up the Armagnac vineyard are a wonderful feature of Gascony that offer lovers of France’s oldest eau-de-vie and walkers wanting to discover the region, a plethora of varied and pleasant walking routes. A land of hospitality and centuries old traditions, Armagnac has developed a quality wine tourism network over recent years with the programme...

On the distillery route

The vineyard

The Armagnac Route leads visitors through the lush Gascon countryside to discover the three production areas of Bas Armagnac, Armagnac Tenarèze and Haut Armagnac, and brings together one hundred and twenty producers, each one with a specific area for welcoming guests. Along the winding roads, stand imposing buildings housing the copper alambics that will give birth to the precious...

At the crossroads

The vineyard

Since the 9th century, thousands of pilgrims coming from all over Europe travel to Saint-Jacques de Comspostela where the alleged tomb of the Apostle Saint James (Santiago) the Greater was discovered. Located at a strategic crossroads before the long crossing over the Pyrenees that lead to Spain, Gascony is the place where the four routes on this historic path converge: the Puy route or...

Gone with the autan wind

The vineyard

Haut-Armagnac, the eastern and southern part of the Armagnac region, is distinguished by a continental climate and clay-limestone soils.  Haut-Armagnac is also known as white Armagnac as opposed to black Armagnac (Bas-Armagnac) echoing the hillsides of marl limestone that ripple over the landscape. The vines that represent 2% of the surface area in the appellation are...

Under the influence

The vineyard

It is no secret that a vine will express itself differently depending on the climate that it develops in.  Whether it is hot or cold, whether the air is dry or damp, whether the wind is strong or gentle, these elements contribute to the diversity of the terroirs in the world and depending on their characteristics, define the identity of a wine region.  How is it in Armagnac then...