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The spirit of Armagnac

Armagnac...a slow drink !

The spirit of Armagnac

Do you know Slow Food? Founded in 1989 by Carlo Petrini, this international organisation has been promoting the consumption of local foods and tourism that respect the environment thanks to a network of associations around the world.  Over the last few years, Slow Food has seen greater enthusiasm and growth than ever before ! It is completely natural and understandable that the...

All crazy for Armagnac ?

The spirit of Armagnac

Long excluded from the world of Armagnac, women are nowadays very present in the production cycle of this noble eau-de-vie. Under the leadership of a young generation of women at the head of Gascony’s Armagnac houses, Armagnac is regaining a new vitality ! How has it changed ? In 1991, a ministerial report relegated women to menial tasks, maintaining that...

The Musketeers of modern times

The spirit of Armagnac

For several decades, the Company of Musketeers of Armagnac – a very select club without being a brotherhood – perpetuates with rigour, solemnity and conviviality the famous motto « All for one and one for all »  and promotes an art of living that ensues and that is firmly attached to the eau-de-vie that carries its name. Remember: d’Artagnan...

One for all, all Gascons !

The spirit of Armagnac

Historical and emblematic figure of French literature, D’Artagnan was born in Gascony.  He embodies both the Gascon identity and the ultimate folk hero. A shroud of mystery surrounds the true life of D’Artagnan.  With his real name Charles de Batz de Castelmore , he was born in the second decade of the 17th century at Château de Castelmore, near to Lupiac...